The TPB GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) Executive Members, Technical Working Group (TWG), and Secretariat participated in the TPB 2024 Gender Sensitivity Training with SOGIE-SC on October 03-04, 2024. The said training was facilitated by Archie “Peechie” Mendoza, a GAD Practitioner and current Regional GAD Officer of DSWD Field Office V.
The main goal of the Gender Sensitivity Training with SOGIE-SC is to increase the awareness of each member of the TPB GFPS Executive Members, TWG, and Secretariat to consistently produce programs, activities, and projects related to achieving gender equality both inside and outside of the community. The two-day workshop stressed how crucial it is to have a solid understanding of Gender and Development (GAD) advocacy. It aims to capacitate the members of the GFPS committee members in order to create plans, activities, and programs that are gender sensitive and gender-responsive.
Programs such as Gender Sensitivity Training enable individuals to make personal and societal efforts to promote social inclusion and diversity. This is only one of TPB's numerous strategies for establishing a gender-fair society.