On 14-16 October 2024, the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System (GFPS), Technical Working Group (TWG), and Secretariat convened once more to conduct the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) and Project Implementation, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (PIMME) Workshop with the help of Gender and Development (GAD) Consultant, Archie “Peechie” Mendoza, a GAD Practitioner and current Regional GAD Officer of DSWD Field Office V. Despite the declaration of work suspension, the TPB GFPS, TWG and Secretariat were determined to develop their capabilities on how to appropriately apply the GAD lens to the TPB’s projects.
On the first day, the committee focused on the HGDG Generic Checklist. (Box 7a). The TPB’s recently finished projects were used as training exercises and will be evaluated by the GFPS using the HGDG generic checklist. Following the evaluation, each GFPS member gave a presentation of their results. At the end of the first day, the committee discovered that several TPB projects had a low score on the integration of GAD. Lack of access to each project’s database is one of the noted causes, leading to the collection of insufficient means of verification (MOVs) that could have mainstreamed the projects.
The same projects were evaluated again on the second day of the workshop. However, this time, the projects’ gender responsiveness was assessed using the PIMME checklist (Boxes 16 and 17). As concluded on the first day, the compliance of some projects based on the checklist design remained low.
On the third and final day of the workshop, the committee concentrated on developing doable actions to raise the projects’ HGDG & PIMME scores. Included in the action plan are the possible actions that responsible personnel and offices can take to maintain the gender-responsiveness of the TPB’s client and organizational-focused projects.