PR No. 09.004 (08.151) / TPB-RFQ 2024.10.2298 2nd Posting Supply and Delivery of Milestone Token of Loyalty Awardees
RFQ2024.10.298 compress
RFQ No. 2024.10.293 Supply and Delivery of Logistical Requirements for the TPBPHL GAD Agenda and Strategic Plan Workshop in Batangas
RFQ 2024.10.293 GAD Workshop
Technical Specifications - GAD AGENDA 2024 Revised (1)
ITB No. 2024-045 Supply and Delivery of Logistical Requirements for Media and Key Opinion Leaders’ Coverage of the Philippines Participation at the Internationale Tourismus Borse (ITB) Berlin 2025
Bid Bulletin No. 2024-039_ITB Berlin Logistics (1)
Bidding Documents (ITB No. 2024-045)_ITB Berlin Logistics
ITB No. 2024-045 ITB Berlin Logistics
Annex A_Technical Specification_KOL_ITB Berlin 2025
Annex B_Technical and Financial Bid Forms_Goods
Annex C_Revised Forms
Annex D_Diagram of Sealing and Marking of Envelopes
ITB No. 2024-049 Supply and Delivery of Noche Buena Food Packs for the Tourism Promotions Board Philippines (TPBPHL) Employees and General Services Personnel
Annex A_Technical Specifications_2024 Noche Buena Food Packs_Year End TB
Annex B_Package List
Annex C_Technical and Financial Bid Forms_Goods
Annex D_Diagram of Sealing and Marking of Envelopes
Annex E_Revised Forms copy
Bidding Documents (ITB No. 2024-049)_Noche Buena Food Packs
ITB No. 2024-049 Noche Buena Packs
Bid Bulletin No. 2024-042_Noche Buena Food Packs
REI No. 2024-018 Consulting Services for the Marketing Intelligence Learning/Training Program for the Tourism Promotions Board Philippines Members
Bidding Documents (REI 2024.018)
REI 2024-018 TPB Members Training
Annex A_Terms of Reference_Market Intelligence Learning Program
Annex B_Revised Forms
Annex C_Diagram of Sealing and Marking of Envelopes
TPB-RFQ 2024-10-297 Services of an Event Management Company (EMC) for Himala sa Buhangin! Arts and Music Festival
TPB-RFQ 2024-10-297_Technical Specifications.
TPB-RFQ 2024-10-297.
PR No. 10.007 (09.195) / TPB-RFQ 2024.10.280 Printing of LTP Fan with Packaging
PR No. 08.026 (08.157) / TPB-RFQ 2024.10.295 4th Posting
TPB-ITB No. 2024-048 Services of an Event Management Company for the Philippine hosting of the World Surf League Junior Surfing Championships
ITB No. 2024-048 PR No. 10.028 Services of an EMC for the Philippine hosting of the WSL World Junior Surfing Champioships
PBD_ITB No. 2024-048 PR No. 10.028 Services of an EMC for the Philippine hosting of the WSL World Junior Surfing Champioships
Bid Bulletin No. 2024-044_Services of an EMC for the Philippine hosting of the WSL World Junior Surfing Champioships
ITB No. 2024-047 Services of EMC for MICE Plus Program
ITB No. 2024-047 PR No. 10.009 Services of an EMC for MICE Plus Program
PBD_ITB No. PR No. 10.009 Services of an EMC for MICE Plus Program