RFQ No. 2024.10.293 Supply and Delivery of Logistical Requirements for the TPBPHL GAD Agenda and Strategic Plan Workshop in Batangas
RFQ 2024.10.293 GAD Workshop
Technical Specifications - GAD AGENDA 2024 Revised (1)
ITB No. 2024-045 Supply and Delivery of Logistical Requirements for Media and Key Opinion Leaders’ Coverage of the Philippines Participation at the Internationale Tourismus Borse (ITB) Berlin 2025
Bid Bulletin No. 2024-039_ITB Berlin Logistics (1)
Bidding Documents (ITB No. 2024-045)_ITB Berlin Logistics
ITB No. 2024-045 ITB Berlin Logistics
Annex A_Technical Specification_KOL_ITB Berlin 2025
Annex B_Technical and Financial Bid Forms_Goods
Annex C_Revised Forms
Annex D_Diagram of Sealing and Marking of Envelopes
ITB No. 2024-049 Supply and Delivery of Noche Buena Food Packs for the Tourism Promotions Board Philippines (TPBPHL) Employees and General Services Personnel
Annex A_Technical Specifications_2024 Noche Buena Food Packs_Year End TB
Annex B_Package List
Annex C_Technical and Financial Bid Forms_Goods
Annex D_Diagram of Sealing and Marking of Envelopes
Annex E_Revised Forms copy
Bidding Documents (ITB No. 2024-049)_Noche Buena Food Packs
ITB No. 2024-049 Noche Buena Packs
Bid Bulletin No. 2024-042_Noche Buena Food Packs
REI No. 2024-018 Consulting Services for the Marketing Intelligence Learning/Training Program for the Tourism Promotions Board Philippines Members
Bidding Documents (REI 2024.018)
REI 2024-018 TPB Members Training
Annex A_Terms of Reference_Market Intelligence Learning Program
Annex B_Revised Forms
Annex C_Diagram of Sealing and Marking of Envelopes
TPB-RFQ 2024-10-297 Services of an Event Management Company (EMC) for Himala sa Buhangin! Arts and Music Festival
TPB-RFQ 2024-10-297_Technical Specifications.
TPB-RFQ 2024-10-297.
PR No. 10.007 (09.195) / TPB-RFQ 2024.10.280 Printing of LTP Fan with Packaging
PR No. 08.026 (08.157) / TPB-RFQ 2024.10.295 4th Posting
TPB-ITB No. 2024-048 Services of an Event Management Company for the Philippine hosting of the World Surf League Junior Surfing Championships
ITB No. 2024-048 PR No. 10.028 Services of an EMC for the Philippine hosting of the WSL World Junior Surfing Champioships
PBD_ITB No. 2024-048 PR No. 10.028 Services of an EMC for the Philippine hosting of the WSL World Junior Surfing Champioships
Bid Bulletin No. 2024-044_Services of an EMC for the Philippine hosting of the WSL World Junior Surfing Champioships
ITB No. 2024-047 Services of EMC for MICE Plus Program
ITB No. 2024-047 PR No. 10.009 Services of an EMC for MICE Plus Program
PBD_ITB No. PR No. 10.009 Services of an EMC for MICE Plus Program
TPB RFQ 2024.10.294 – Supply and Delivery of Assorted Medicine in the TPB Clinic (2nd & 3rd Quarter of 2024) and Vitamin C and Zinc for all TPB personnel (3rd & 4th Quarter of 2024)
TPB RFQ 2024.10.294 - Supply and Delivery of Assorted Medicine and Vitamin C and Zinc