TPB RFQ 2024.10.294 – Supply and Delivery of Assorted Medicine in the TPB Clinic (2nd & 3rd Quarter of 2024) and Vitamin C and Zinc for all TPB personnel (3rd & 4th Quarter of 2024)
TPB-ITB 2024-046 Services of a Tour Operator for the Familiarization Tour of the Korean Celebrity Tourism Ambassador for the Philippines
ITB NO. 2024-046_Bidding Documents.
ITB NO. 2024-046_Technical Specifications.
ITB NO. 2024-046.
11082024-Bid Bulletin 2024-043 TO for PH TA
TPB-RFQ 2024-10-292 Service Provider for the Logistical Requirements of USTOA Annual Conference and Marketplace 2024
TPB-REI NO. 2024-002 EPA_Consulting Services of an Events Management Company (EMC) / Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) / Education and Training Services (ETS) to Conduct the Hybrid Seminar on Digital Marketing, Capacity Building and Skills Development
Annex-A_Terms of Reference_Hybrid Seminar on Digital Marketing
Annex-B_Revised-Forms_Hybrid Seminar on Digital Marketing
Annex-C_Diagram-of-Sealing-and-Marking-of-Envelopes_Hybrid Seminar on Digital Marketing
PBD_REI No. 2024-002 EPA_Hybrid Seminar on Digital Marketing
REI No. 2024-002 EPA_Hybrid Seminar on Digital Marketing
Bid Bulletin 2024-001 EPA_REI 2024-002 EPA
TPB-REI NO. 2024-001 EPA_Consulting Services of a Research Company to Conduct the 2025 TPB Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) / Client Satisfaction Measurement (CSM)
Annex-A_Terms of Reference_CSS-CSM
PBD_REI No. 2024-001 EPA_CSS-CSM
REI No. 2024-001 EPA_CSS-CSM
PR No. 10.025 (10.217) / PB-RFQ 2024.10.285/ Preventive Maintenance Services for TPB Vehicle, Toyota 2013/Hiace GL Grandia 2.5L with Plate No. SLB-175
PR No. 10.024 (10.216) / PB-RFQ 2024.10.284/Preventive Maintenance Services for TPB Vehicle, Toyota 2021/Hiace Commute Deluxe 2.8L with Conduction No. S2O157
PR No. 10.023 (10.215) / PB-RFQ 2024.10.283/Preventive Maintenance Services for TPB Vehicle, Toyota 2021/Hiace Commuter Deluxe 2.8L with Conduction No. S2P986
PR No. 10.022 (10.214) / PB-RFQ 2024.10.282/ Preventive Maintenance Services for TPB Vehicle, Toyota 2013/Hiace GL Grandia 2.5L with Plate No. SLB-165
PR No. 10.021 (10.213) / PB-RFQ 2024.10.281/ Preventive Maintenance Services for TPB Vehicle Vehicle – Toyota 2021/Haice GL Grandia 2.8L with Conduction No. P8D581