TPB-RFQ 2024-09-244 2ND Posting Supply and Delivery Acer Power Adapter and Battery for Laptop Computers
RFQ2024.09.244 compress
TPB-PR 2024.09.245 Services of a Tour Operator for the Implementation of the City Tour for the Delegates of the International Conference on Women, Peace and Security
RFQ 2024.09.245 City Tour_ ICWPS
Annex A_Technicall Specifications
Annex B_Proposed Itinerary
Annex C_Statement of Compliance ICWPS
Omnibus Sworn Statement ICWPS
TPB-RFQ 2024.09.241 Supply and Delivery of Milestone Token of Loyalty Awardee
RFQ2024.09.241 compress
TPB-RFQ 2024.09.240 Supply and Delivery of Brevo Software Licenses
RFQ2024.09.240 compress
TPB-RFQ 2024-09.239 3rd Posting Supply and Delivery of Check Printer with Scanner and UV Scanner
TPB-RFQ 2024.09.238 2nd Posting Supply and Delivery of Furniture
RFQ2024.09.238 compress
TPB-RFQ 2024-09-243 Printing, Supply, and Delivery of Plaques for Loyalty Awardees and Service Awardee
TPB-RFQ 2024-09-243.
TPB-RFQ 2024-09-243_Technical Specifications.
Notice of Negotiation Supply and Delivery of One (1) Year Subscription to a Market Research Database
NOTICE OF NEGOTIATION Supply and Delivery of One (1) Year Subscription to a Market Research Database
Technical Specifications_Tourism Market Research Database_16Aug2024
ITB No. 2024-041 Service Provider for the Supply and Delivery of Logistical Requirements for Media and Key Opinion Leaders’ Coverage of the Philippines Participation at the World Travel Market (WTM) 2024 in London
ITB No. 2024-041 WTM Logistics
Bidding Documents (ITB No. 2024-041)_WTM Logistics
Annex A_Technical Specifications WTM Logistics
Annex B_Technical and Financial Bid Forms_Goods WTM Logistics
Annex C_Revised Forms WTM Logistics
Annex D_Diagram of Sealing and Marking of Envelopes WTM Logistics
TPB-PR 2024.09.237 Supply and Delivery of Promotional Giveaways for the Japanese Travel Agents Mega Familiarization Tour
RFQ 2024.09.237 Giveaways_Japan Mega Fam
Technical Specifications_Backpack giveaways