As of 27 January 2021

To avail of the DOT-TPB 50% COVID-19 RT-PCR test subsidy, tourists are advised of the following guidelines to facilitate the arrangement for pre-scheduled swab testing:

1. Tourist must register online at https://www.tpb.gov.ph/rtpcrphtravel/   and indicate a travel destination that is declared open to leisure tourists.
1.1. The Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) will not accommodate applications sent less than five (5) days before your scheduled departure date.
1.2. Only applications with departure dates until June 30, 2021 will be eligible for the 50% subsidy.

2. Applicants must attach the following supporting documents:
2.1. Copy of two (2) valid government-issued IDs
2.2. Copy of confirmed hotel booking in a DOT-accredited establishment
2.3. Copy of roundtrip transportation tickets if applicable (airline/bus/ferry tickets)

3. The Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) shall evaluate the documents and inform the tourist of the status of application within a reasonable time.

4. UP-PGH can only accommodate to conduct 100 COVID-19 RT-PCR tests per day. Thus, applications will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
4.1. Approved applicants will receive an email from UP-PGH with the log-in credentials for the Client Investigation Form (CIF) for the tourist to fill up properly and completely.
4.2. Once the CIF has been submitted, UP-PGH will notify the tourist of the schedule for swab testing. Only those who have submitted the CIF online and who have received confirmation of swab test schedule will be accommodated. Walk-in requests shall be strictly denied.
4.3. Tourists with approved applications must be at the testing center of UP-PGH on their confirmed date of swab testing. Failure to show up on the scheduled date would forfeit the 50% COVID19 RT-PCR subsidy.
4.4. UP-PGH shall send the COVID19 RT-PCR test result directly to the tourist via email within 24 hours