Click the appropriate office to view available positions
and CSC minimum qualification standards


Choose a position and prepare the following documents in PDF file format prior to accomplishing the
TPB Online Application Form

Personal Data Sheet
(click this link to download the sheet)use the Guide to Filling Up

Work Experience Sheet
(click this link to download the sheet)

Data Privacy Statement and Confidentiality Undertaking
(click this link to download the form)


Transcript of Records

Authenticated Copy of the Certification of CSC Eligibility or Bar/Board Eligibility (R.A. 1080)

Copy of Certificate/s of Completion for Trainings Attended

Copy of Office/ Special Orders (if applicable, for validation of scope of duties and responsibilities)

Copy of Performance Rating for the last two (2) rating periods (for validation of actual work performance)
  • Kindly use the following file name format in saving the abovementioned documentary requirements:
              Name of Documentary Requirement_Last Name
  • For files with multiple pages, please save them in one (1) document file.
  • Kindly submit your applications no later than 11 July 2024.
  • Incomplete submission of the necessary information and required documents will refrain you from completing the online application form.
  • Submission of intent, confirms the candidate’s understanding and acceptance of the TPB Guidelines on Personnel Selection.
  • For easy tracking, please use the Google Form response receipt sent to your respective emails should you wish to follow up on the status of your application.
  • There shall be no discrimination in the selection of applicants on account of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation.

The TPB Personnel and Human Resources Development Division (PHRDD) and the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB) reserve the right to request additional documents as it deems necessary.

For Job Internship Program (JIP) Applications:

  • Kindly submit the following requirements:
    • From the Higher Education Institution (HEI)/School:
      Endorsement Letter addressed to the TPB Chief Operating Officer
      Medical Certificate
      Course Description
      Learning Objectives
      Board Resolution/Secretary’s Certificate or any documentation which states that the authorized signatory for the Memorandum of Agreement* is an appointed/designated Head of the school
    • From the Student/s:
      Letter of Intent
      ✓ Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume
  • Send the complete application requirements thru email at [email protected] using the subject title:
            JIP Application: Name of School_Last Name
    For school endorsement/group application:
           JIP Application: Name of School
  • Submission of intent confirms the student/s’ and/or school/s’ understanding and acceptance of the guidelines as stated in the approved TPB Job Internship Program.

Please note that as a Government-Owned and Controlled Corporation (GOCC), the TPB is mandated to execute a Memorandum of Agreement reviewed by the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC). Thus, the TPB shall provide the template MOA to concerned parties for facilitation.